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Quemado Rain-The Album

Quemado Rain-The Album

Conceived for a good friend using healing energy.

This album was put together for a friend who was having some substantial health issues. "Quemado" means smoky or burnt in Spanish. It's named after Quemado, New Mexico. I was up there in the late nineties on a wood gathering trip. Got caught in an afternoon monsoon and hung a microphone outside my van in a Piñon tree and recorded part of the storm. The lightning was so close, I was at a very high elevation, so it was pretty dramatic. Of course, it's been "toned down", so it's not so crazy on the album. This monsoon storm is used as the background for the title song. I sat down in the studio with an array of flutes and played along with the rain.that I recorded. This album has four songs, but the album is 45 minutes long. The title song (with the rain) is a little over 31 minutes long. 

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